Nobuhiro Shibayama's major awards, exhibitions, interviews, and publications
* The Dimensional Illustrators Awards Show (USA) Bronze Award 3 consecutive times
* Received The Mebius ADVERTISING AWARDS First award
* Agency for Cultural Affairs dispatch IT design related New York training
* JAGDA Board of Education (enrolled 1997-2010 and then withdrawn)
* Compiling JAGDA computer design textbook
* ADC yearbook
* JAGDA Yearbook
* Mainichi Advertising Awards 2 special seats
* Asahi Advertising Award
* Nikkei Distribution, Consumer's Choice Award
* Nikkei BP Advertising Award
* Reader's Digest Consumer's Choice Bronze Award
* Adobe Design Contest Special Selection * Mainichi Advertising Design Award Category Award
* Artec International Biennale Recommended Award
* Catch up 1993
* Request to appear at Tokyo Polytechnic University
* NHK Hygiene Midnight Kingdom
* Tsuyoshi Takashiro original program
* 92WAVE Roppongi Virtual Realism Exhibition
* Hida Takayama Stanford University Special Seminar
* Siebold in Tokyo
* Mac Expo '95 Adobe Lecturer
* Mac Expo '95 Imagine Instructor
* Solo exhibition "Forgotten Things" / Dentsu Ad Gallery
* Finland ART3000 INTERNATIONAL exhibit
* Exhibited at Shin-Urayasu Cyber Art Festival
* Exhibition at Toyama City Plaza Exhibition
* Bizen Art Festival solo exhibition held
* Exhibited at Neo Medival Exhibition
* Information Processing Society of Japan research paper presentation
* National Diet Library Digital Collection
* France Imagina
* Finland MUU MEDIA92 FESTIVAL exhibition exhibition
* Solo exhibition "Forgotten Things" Dentsu Ad Gallery
* MacExpo 3D Graphics Instructor
* Commercial photo writing
* Brain writing
* Sendenkaigi writing
* Vantan Cyber Academy Special Lecturer
* ART BOX International Jury
* Sony Music Entertainment "DEP"
* Italian Trade Promotion Association
'* 92 WAVE Roppongi Virtual Realism Exhibition
* Solo exhibition "Forgotten Things" / Dentsu Ad Gallery * VISIBLE.INVIBLE / Graphics Art Gadian Garden
* France Imajina '93
* NICOGRAPH traveling exhibition
* Finland Turku Art Gallery
* Museum of Contemporary Art Sydney, Australia
* IDMA in Canada / Video Positive in UK / VIDEO FEST
* Court painter of the Happsburg family Court artist
* FM Tokyo program
* Newcastle International Festival
* DEAF / Digital Image '91 ~ '97 Continuous Source
* ART BOX Exhibition /'Video Fest in BERLIN
* SONY Award
* Artec International Biennale Recommendation Award
* Shin-Urayasu Cyber Art Festival
* Art Publishing Design
* July 1998 Solo exhibition "The Alchemical Tapestry-A woven story unleashed by alchemy" (at Studio Ebisu Photo Gallery)
* November-December 1998 Solo exhibition "The Alchemical Tapestry-2" (at: City Club of Tokyo "Maple Room")
* VISIBLE.INVISIBLE video work exhibition Gardian garden
* Invited exhibitor at Turku Art Gallery
* ART BOX Exhibition Jury
* Solo exhibition "The Alchemical Tapestry- A woven story that opens up with alchemy. "
* Exhibited at Digital Image Tokyo DIGITAL IMAGE TOKYO
* Exhibited at Creation Gallery G8 Design Works on Macintosh NICOGRAPH Traveling Exhibition Exhibited at Hitachi Fukuoka Sapporo
* Hida Takayama Stanford University Special Seminar
* Siebold in Tokyo
* '96 Mac World Expo. Booth production and operation
* INFINI-D booth production and operation
* Subaru International booth production and operation
* "Canon Digital Gallery" Nobuhiro Shibayama Solo Exhibition
* March-June 1999 Canon Wonder Museum "Digital Art Gallery Nobuhiro Shibayama Exhibition"
* Interview with Tokyo Polytechnic University
* Lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts "Design and Work" Seminar
* Lecturer, Vantan Design Institute
* Computer Graphics Artwork / Graphics Publisher
* NTT InterCommunication Center coverage
* Nikkei Trendy coverage
* NHK Hygiene Midnight Kingdom
* Collection of works in Photoshop Written by WIRED
* Written by MdN
* STEP BY STEP Writing
* Written by Super Designing
* Mac power writing
* 3D & Webmasters coverage
* Design site coverage
* Posted on CLUB VALIS
* Kagoshima Prefectural Junior College Library Image Adventure
* Interview with Mr. Kai Klaus
* Artec International Biennale Recommendation Award
* Shin-Urayasu Cyber Art Festival
* NTT Advertising
* Odakyu Agency
* Gray
* Hakuhodo
* Dentsu and others
Nobuhiro Shibayama’s major awards, exhibitions, interviews, and publications to date
Abbreviated calendar of Nobuhiro Shibayama
Joined a corporate strategy and design office.
Joined advertising agency ADK. Active as a creator.
Established advertising and site production and advertising agency in 1990.
Disbanded in 2020.
I decided to try again, and in 2022 I started working with Telepathy Co., Ltd., which I had previously launched.
Thirty-three years ago, in 1990, computers were not commonplace, and conventional methods such as phototypesetting and block copying were the mainstream for manufacturing and advertising work. During that time, I started using my PC to create advertisements for various companies. However, since then, the era of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0 has arrived, and along with the development of AI, the technology of daily life has become more intense. Being involved with the history of IT in this way is a valuable experience. Even now, using portable computers such as notebook PCs and iPhones, Japanese people of all ages and genders come together to create a new world using general-purpose AI.No one can imagine what will happen in one year, but what will happen in 10 years. The time has come for us to jump into a world that no one understands. However, I think I will try to create something new. Nice to meet you.
主なクライアント及びスポンサーへ直取引及び直クリエイティブ 経歴
1990年 三国志の城の3Dビジュアル制作
1990年〜画家 川口起美雄先生にテンペラ技法西洋絵画を習う
1990年 PUMA3D雑誌広告制作
1991年 脳波と3D直制作
1991年~1993年 BIO-MORPH ENCYCHROPEDIA Muybridge CD=ROM企画、運営の直取引 直制作
1991年 NTTグループ企業全体の新たな宣言ポスター制作
1992年 株式会社トレビルの ベアト・アンジェロの本を制作直取引
1992年 SEIKO ALBA 腕時計 3D広告制作
1994年〜ライノタイプヘル印刷システム広告及びカタログの企画、運営の直取引 直制作
1994年 コンピュータ黎明期(1994年)の三つのアートと(1997年)もう一つの3Dアートの直制作
1995年〜Hewlett Packard スキャナー、HD関連の策定及び制作と広告媒体取り扱い
1995年 Hewlett Packard スキャナー細野晴臣 直接起用
1996年 HPデザイーナズラボ Tokyo青山の大型プリンター体験型ショールームの企画、運営の直取引
1996年 Hewlett Packard 佐々木投手 直接起用
1997年 Microsoft ネットワーク番組運用の直取引 直制作
1998年 クラリスパッケージ制作直取引
1998年 Shadeパッケージデザイン制作直取引
1998年 Canon identity−1 日本人のアイデンティティ策定及び制作直取引
1998年 アルケミア・タペストリー ポスター制作
1998年~2002年 SONYのVAIOカタログ及びWeb制作直取引
2000年 MicrosoftのOffice雑誌広告企画、制作の直取引
2000年 Canon Identity 2000 in N.Y.『紙の出力見本からDTP書籍へ』策定及び制作直取引
2002年 ベネッセコーポレーション こどもちゃれんじbaby Webサイト制作直取引
2002年~2006年 NECソフトウエア カタログ類策定及び制作直取引
2002年 日産自動車新型マーチ「マーチタウン」Web制作
2002年 NISANのSTAGEA Webコミニケーション制作
2002年 住商アーバン開発 お台場 デックス広告制作
2002年 JAGDA教科書 Computer Graphics 教育委員会 柴山信廣 編集
2002年 Canon OPTIMIZEコンセプト策定及び制作直取引
2002年~2010年 日本体育協会年間カタログ策定及び制作直取引
2003年 年賀状スペシャルサイト制作直取引
2004年~ 立正佼成会サイト制作直取引
2004年 Canon OIS策定補助及びカタログ制作直取引
2005年 Canon 3機種複合機3&9 Concept Book制作直取引
2005年 NECソフトウェア株式会社サイト策定及び制作直取引
2006年 Canon meapカタログ制作直取引
2006年 大妻女子大学Web策定と制作直取引
2006年 大手テーマパークWeb策定と制作直取引
2007年 カナダ政府観光局制作
2009~2020年 大手出版社サイト制作直取引
2010年 AR(拡張現実)メディア コンテンツ& Marketing
2014年 グラクソ・スミスクラインのGHの情報サイト制作
2015年〜 テンペラ絵画作成
2015年 トヨタ自動車IR情報誌制作
2007~2019年 気仙大工の2004年古民家移築再生 ZEKKEI の再工事のガイドラインと作業
2024年 midjourney prompt design
2024年 OXIXの立ち上がり制作
Telepathy History
・Looking back over 33 years, Shibayama started working with a personal computer in 1990, and in 1995, the Internet began to recover in the era of Web 1.0, and black landline phones began to change to mobile phones. Now that I think about it, I started receiving a project that was a period of lifestyle change.
- Then, in 2007, when Web 2.0 arrived, mobile phones evolved into smartphones, and we entered an era where individuals had small computers that they could use with one hand on the go. As my internet skills began to improve, I also had the rare experience of living in an old private house from the Edo period and observing how the building was used as a space for the past and future.
・From Web 3.0 in 2020, in line with the evolution of computers, Telepathy aims to incorporate AI technology and improve its ability to discover issues. I'm glad that I started working with computers 33 years ago and have gained experience in developing designs and concepts from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0. I would like to work together with you on the market. Also, Japan has more suicides than any other country, and I don't think it can be prevented. Our job is to contribute by leveraging our knowledge about the web and advertising. We would appreciate your continued understanding and support for Telepathy Ltd.